Monday, June 29, 2009
Adventures of the 3 M's - Pilsen Edition

Colossal Waste of Time

Friday, June 26, 2009
BEST Wedding Anniversary EVER!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
WORST Wedding Anniversary!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Smiles Everyone Smiles!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Facebook Sabbatical

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Finally, a Father's Day Gift that Rocks!

Saturday, June 20, 2009
I Got Fired!!!!!!!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Four for Friday

Q2 - Staying Home: Do you think certain 'essential' professionals -- such as teachers, firemen, doctors & nurses -- should be barred by law from walking out and striking?
- I saw what a strike did to my friends' families financially and what it did to our city when I was a kid. I think no one should be 'allowed' to strike.
Q3 - Turning Around and Going Back: When was the last time you forgot something and had to turn back around to retrieve it? How long did it take and what was it that you forgot in the first place?
- Last week Wednesday. J forgot his wallet so I had to bring it to him. Only I forgot to take it with me, so I had to turn around and get it.
Q4 - Different Path: Assuming you had never gone into the career you are currently in, what would be doing now professionally
- Hmmm...I'm a stay@home mom right now... I guess I would be a working mom?
I found this gem HERE.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Thursday Thirteen
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Chicago Date Night for $12

Sunday, June 14, 2009
A Great Week!

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Yes or No
Now, here's what you're supposed to do... Copy and paste this into your blog, delete my answers and type in your answers.
• • - • • - • • - • • - • • - • • - •
Kissed any one of your Facebook friends? • Yes.
Been arrested? • No
Kissed someone you didn't like? • Yes.
Slept in until 5 PM? • Yes.
Fallen asleep at work/school? • Yes.
Held a snake? • Yes
Ran a red light? • Yes.
Been suspended from school? • Yes.
Experienced love at first sight? • No
Totaled your car in an accident? • YES
Been fired from a job? • Yes
Fired somebody? • Yes
Sang karaoke? • Yes
Pointed a gun at someone? • Yes
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? • Yes
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? • No
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? • Yes
Kissed in the rain? • Yes
Had a close brush with death • Yes
Played spin-the-bottle? • Yes
Sang in the shower? • Yes
Smoked a cigar? • Yes
Sat on a rooftop? • Yes
Smuggled something into another country? • Yes
Been pushed into a pool/ocean with all your clothes? • Yes
Broken a bone? • Yes
Skipped school? • Yes
Eaten a bug? • No
Sleepwalked? • Yes.
Walked a moonlit beach? • Yes
Rode a motorcycle? • Yes
Dumped someone? •Yes
Forgotten your anniversary? • Yes
Lied to avoid a ticket? • No
Ridden in a helicopter? • Yes
Shaved your head? • No
Played a prank on someone? • Yes
Hit a home run? • No
Felt like killing someone? • Yes.
Cross-dressed? • No.
Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? • Yes
Eaten snake? • No
Marched/Protested? • Yes
Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? • No
Puked on amusement ride? • No
Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? • No
Been in a band? • No
Knitted? • Yes
Been on TV? • Yes
Shot a gun? • Yes
Skinny-dipped? • Yes
Gave someone stitches? • No
Eaten a whole habenero pepper? • No
Ridden a surfboard? • No
Drank straight from a liquor bottle? • Yes
Had surgery? • Yes
Streaked? • No
Taken by ambulance to hospital? • Yes
Tripped on mushrooms? • No
Passed out when not drinking? • No
Peed on a bush? • Yes
Donated Blood? • Yes
Grabbed electric fence? • No
Eaten alligator meat? • Yes
Eaten cheesecake? • Yes
Eaten your kids' Halloween candy? • Yes
Killed an animal when not hunting? • Yes
Peed your pants in public? • Yes
Sneaked into a movie without paying? • No
Written graffiti? • No
Think about the future? • Yes
Been in handcuffs? • Yes
Believe in love? • Yes
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? • Yes
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
My Story
Hi, my name is...
WidneyWoman and I'm a Facebook and Twitteraholic
My eyes are...
where they belong.
My status is...
married but looking.
I want to have kids...
walk on my back.
I wish I was...
sleeping instead of Facebooking.
Currently I am watching...
lightening strikes on the Sears Tower - 6 so far.
I Love...
reading but never get time to.
Never in my life have I...
been skydiving...I should have gone when I had the chance.
My favorite animal is...
a stuffed animal.
My favorite color(s) is/are...
My Pet Peeve...
anything and everything the week before my period.
Right now, I am...
wondering how shocked you are about the one above.
The one person who can drive me nuts...
is my daughter
feel my insides trembling.
The last song I listened to...
Boom Boom Pow by Black Eyed Peas
If you were to get married today your maid of honor/best man would be...
back to the original plan - my sister but I don't think she can still fit in the dress she bought to be my maid of honor at my wedding 10 years ago that she never got to wear to my wedding because we eloped 5 days after she bought said dress...Sorry, Optimus.
My hair is...
so cute right now!! J cut it for me and I LOVE it!!!
When I was 4...
I wanted to be a stripper.
My mom is...
someone I talk to almost every day.
My dad is...
is getting better joke material now that he has internet at home.
Last Christmas was...
not quite right.
I should be...
sleeping, working, reading, crocheting, cleaning, or anything but this!!
When I look down...
I see the bottom of my glasses.
The happiest recent event was...
my niece getting to go to Oprah.
My current annoyance is...
my 6 yr old needing to wear pull-ups at night.
The thing I want to buy is...
maybe a couple of casual dresses to run about town with the kids this summer.
and walked up the 'mountain', you would call it a mountain as well.
Most recent thing I've bought myself...
Most recent thing someone else bought me was...
Beth gave me tea from Kenya, a tea towel from Kenya, and my fav body lotion.
If I was an animal I'd be...
a bird, so I could fly through the sky, see all there is to see from high up and dive down low and mingle around and go back up and shit on everyone's heads.
Yesterday I had...
to take Motor Mouth to school, drop J to work, meet with Cre8veChaos, go to the bank, pick up Motor Mouth, fix lunch and dinner, so work, take Motor Mouth to Awana, go shopping with J and Mini Me, pick Motor Mouth up, go to MAM's, and then hang with my husband after the kids went to bed.
Last night I was...
so tired, I kept falling asleep watching a show J wanted me to watch.
Tonight I am...
relaxing and trying not to feel guilty about it.
My favorite piece of jewelery is...
my Granny's wedding band because my Grandfather gave it to her and he loved her so much, even after over 50 years of marriage, and she loved him back so much. I know, because I used to see them hold hands and kiss. And because I was his favorite grandchild so to have this symbol of his love, is special to me.
My favorite shoes...
are my black Converse because they are so comfy and kinda hip.
I am looking forward to...
Mini Me starting this most amazing school. It is so incredible, I don't even have words to describe how incredible this style of learning is and what it will mean for my child.
my husband because he is my best friend and can you believe we've been best friends for 13 1/2 years?! I'd like to say we've been together that long, but we really were best friends for 3 years.
If my man were to bring me flowers I would want them to be...
sitting on top of a brand new Toyota Prius!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Knowing Me, Knowing You - June '09
Thursday, June 4, 2009
What is Really Going on With Me

Monday, June 1, 2009
A What? A Friend????