Motor Mouth competed in the Joliet Dr. Pepper Swim Meet this weekend. When the kids won a heat or trophy they received a can of Dr. Pepper 10. LoL!
This was a three-day meet. Neither J nor I could be at the Friday portion so we are very thankful to King for being there for our son, videoing the race for us to see, and bringing him to me. We don't have blood family in Chicago but our friends, like King, are our family and make a difference in our lives and the lives of our children.

Motor Mouth swims 5-6 days/week, does push ups, crunches, running, and watches what he eats. He gets his homework done and sacrifices play time to swim for two hours a day. He is even doing better academically this year than any other year.
Motor Mouth decided in September that he wanted to be top in the Chicago Park District. He worked hard and accomplished his goal as a 9-year old competing against 9&10 year olds. Motor Mouth sets his goals and we make it possible for him to work on attaining his goals.
Dream Team - 1st Place in Relay |
This spring, Motor Mouth tried out and made a local USA Swimming team. This means he can compete at a higher level that could lead to the Olympics which is good because Motor Mouth wants to be a marine biologist and a famous swimmer when he gets older. His goals!
At his first meet with this team last month, Motor Mouth made Regional times in all six of his events. This meet, he bettered those times and I have to tell you that I teared up when he made his second State time this weekend. Pretty proud of my hard-working boy!
The Right Stuff! |
Swimming is as much an individual sport as it is a team sport. Motor Mouth and his friends competed together on a relay team. They placed 1st in the Boys 10&Under freestyle relay.
The most important thing is that he had a great time with his friends! He loves the water and loves hanging out with the other boys between races. They are so caring and great to each other. All the parents love to watch it.
I LOVE this photo of the boys walking together after winning the relay race. They all worked hard to make it happen. They look so grown up and confident and happy. They are all focused on their coach. This little Dream Team helped their team win the first place trophy for overall meet winner!!!
Overall Meet Winners! |
Speaking of trophies...Motor Mouth won 3rd Place Overall Meet Points for Boys 10&Under!!! Here he is with one of his best friends - who won the 1st Place trophy in the same category! We didn't even know. We had walked out of the pool area when his friend came and told us. So unexpected. So awesome!
Overall, this was a great meet weekend for Motor Mouth.