Sunday, January 17, 2010

I Love Chicago - Reason 2,403

Technically, this is J's drive home from work. This is one of the many reasons why I LOVE Chicago!!


Heather Kay said...

And my J's drive home from work is a walk across the field from the church to the house...and that's why I love the boonies! :)


Heather, you made me laugh out loud.

When I was in college and everyone in my class was applying for jobs, I never even looked at a position outside of Toronto. My classmate said I should at least apply to some local jobs in case I didn't get one in Toronto. I knew then that I wanted to live in Toronto and that suburbia was home but not where I fit. Now that I am back in a big city (very much like Toronto, too), I am alive again. I bet you feel the same about where you are.