Saturday, May 3, 2008

T-Town to Chi-Town - Day 11

I thought I posted a blog for Day 11. I can't find it in my list. Hmmmm.....Okay, let me try to recreate it. It won't be nearly as funny or witty, I'm sure, but it's worth a shot.

This day, I drove to Oklahoma City with Photo Girl. We got up super early in the morning so we could be there by 8:45 am. When Photo Girl woke up, she said she had expected to awaken to the smell of eggs and bacon cooking. Ha! I told her I was not J and that the best I could do would be McDonald's on the turnpike. We got to OKC and got a little lost. I sort of brought Photo Girl with me so she could help me avoid such a thing. Oh well, I guess that makes up for the lack of home cooking. I called J who gave us directions from Chicago!!

I had to go to court to resolve a workers comp situation. Two years ago, I tripped on a cord at work. Last year, I had to have surgery on my foot as a result. I was on executive staff and never would have sue over it, but they had to cut into my body. I figured I should get some compensation for that.

The above picture is of my foot when it was looking 'better' after surgery. Go ahead and laugh at the paint job on my toes - my mother-in-law gets a kick out of it. I was trying to get them to look 'good' for the picture. Remember, I was still highly medicated at the time of the 'painting'.

Workers Comp Court is full of interesting people. I received a notice from my attorney, instructing me to be nicely attired. I wore dress pants, a jacket, a nice shirt and jewelry. The majority of the people, waiting for their day in court, were dressed in a t-shirt jeans - and not necessarily their 'good jeans' either. There was the one lady who had a purse made out of a cut off pair of jeans. Nice.

So, a settlement was reached, but I still had to take the witness stand to attest to my agreement, in the prescence of the judge and court reporter. When I sat on the stand, the defense attorney said: "Widney Woman! And she drives a Jaguar." That totally floored me. I did not know he knew that, so I asked how did he know that. He said he saw me pull into the parking lot that morning. Well, he got an eyeful then. Once parked, I put on my lipstick, changed from my tennis shoes to nicer shoes, got out, changed my sweater to my jacket, and took some time getting my reading materials. I don't know what Photog was doing, but she was busy on her side too.

The defense attorney then proceeded to sing some pop song that is on the new Jaguar commercials. I truly have not paid attention to the Jaguar commercials and told him I thought he did a great job singing, but I wasn't familiar with the song. And perhaps my father-in-law, who has a brand new Jag, might have seen the commercial. He really had me freaked out.

Later that evening, I went back over to J's parents' home, for the 3rd time in 3 days. This time, I brought frozen chicken, from our fridge. DonnaMomma (my mother-in-law) fixed it for dinner. At least I didn't bum the whole meal off them.

We all got on the webcam and chit-chatted with J. The kids enjoyed seeing and talking to their Daddy. For 5 minutes. Then they wanted down. Gotta love kids for your self-esteem building.

Saturday April 12, 2008 - 11:01am

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