Monday, February 21, 2011

Mindful Monday: It Takes A Village

J travels with his new job. That is our reality and I need to deal with it. I keep telling myself that once both kids are in the same school and that once recruiting and swim meet seasons are over, it will be fine.

Right now, I rely heavily on the goodness of my village. One of Mini Me's teachers and a friend of mine have let me drop Mini Me at their homes by 7:30 am and taken her to school for 9:00 am so I can get to work before my 8:00 am meetings. I've banked co-op babysitting hours so I can go back to the office when the kids are in bed. My employer has graciously worked around my schedule, letting me come in 90 minutes later than normal on days when I drop Mini Me to school myself.

Lots of fathers travel with their jobs and lots of moms deal with it. Being a solo parent is not something I have ever wanted. About 20 years ago, my then boyfriend got a great job that entailed travel. I told him we would not marry because I did not want a husband who traveled and I did not want to raise our children by myself. My opinion has not changed in 20 years. I still don't want my husband to travel. 

I thought to seek advice from several friends who have multiple children and their husbands travel. But they either don't work, or work from home. I think that makes a big difference in making life happen. I can't work from home every day. It is physically impossible to give school tours when you are not in the facility... 

Ultimately, I need to find a system that works for us/me and go with it. This is still pretty new. I'm willing to take suggestions!

1 comment:

Felicity said...

Well, we both work full-time and Dan does travel some, but not often. When he does, I am blessed with Grandma around the corner. Can't beat that.

I think the one school thing will make a huge difference! Then if you could secure a few hours of after-care, you could stay at the office during that time. Hold on! : )