Sunday, November 21, 2010

Rundown - Nov 21

What a week! Here is the rundown:

We hosted an Open House at the school where I do recruiting and marketing. I never know if anyone will show up to these things. We had a full house!!! 

I spent a great day at a cafe getting caught up and doing some organizing. 

J and I attended an education summit at our church. We got to stand toe-to-toe with Geoffrey Canada, a legend in the education field for his work with the Harlem Children's Project. Canada transformed a 100 block radius in Harlem where children had almost zero chance of completing high school, much less attending college. Go HERE for more info on the program.

Oh. THIS was THE day. J got stuck in traffic. He called me at 5:45 pm to say he was 45-60 minutes out from picking up Mini Me from after school care. I called a friend who lives next to the school. She wasn't home, but her husband and daughters were. 

I called the after school care people and said, "Please let Mini Me know a man she has never met will be coming to pick her up but it's okay because his wife is a friend of mommy's." 

Fortunately, JG's wife is the founder of the babysitting co-op I am a part of and JG is a strong activist for Mini Me's school, currently serving on the Local School Council. JG was kind enough to pick up Mini Me, take her home and let her play with his daughters and dog for 30 minutes until J got there.

We've been trying to work out a solution for the kids' boots and hats and gloves for the entry for 2 years. It finally dawned on me that we should custom build the entry closet to suit our needs. Container store doesn't have solutions for our size of closet but now we are on to something!

Motor Mouth had his very first swim meet. He came second in his first race! I'm so proud of our boy. 

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