Monday, January 5, 2009

Birth Family - I Like Prison

Yesterday, in the 1st of my 3-Part Mini Series, 
I discussed how much I miss Motor Mouth's Birth Mom, KK. 
We don't have that sort of relationship with Mini Me's Birth Mom, TT.

We met TT at the hospital, the morning after Mini Me's birth. We got along well. One of the things I love about TT is her tell it like it is attitude. Love it. Love her. TT got a bit weird when it came time to leave the hospital. Then, each time we tried to meet up so she could see the baby, it fell through, from her end. 

We got in maybe 2-3 visits. Then TT disappeared. I found her. I like to know who I am associating with, so I often look people up to see if they have any past arrests, warrants for their arrest, and if they served prison time. Yes, just a little something I do that only my closest friends know about. I also check out the sex offender registry frequently to see who lives near me.

I knew TT had a warrant out for her arrest but I wasn't going to turn her in. She's my child's birth mother! Turns out, she was scared of being turned in, so she left the hospital early and that's why she flaked out on meeting with us. 

Well, she managed to get arrested and put in jail, all on her own. I couldn't visit her in jail, but once she got to prison, we got the permissions we needed and off we went.

I love prison. We were able to develop a relationship with TT while she was in prison. Each month, we drove the 90 minutes to her facility and spent an hour or so with her and Mini Me. You aren't allowed to bring in cameras, so we don't have photos from that time. We visited. We wrote letters. It was great.

Then TT got out. We managed to see her twice after she got out. And that's it!! I didn't know where she was to tell her we were moving to Chicago. Finally, TT contacted us through an adoption agency in September. We talked on the phone and it was all good. Now, I can't even leave her a voice message because her mailbox is full. I tried to let her know we were in Tulsa at Christmas, so we could go see her with Mini Me. Didn't happen.

I love prison. At least you know where a person is when they are locked up.

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