Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mini Me's Bedroom

J decorated Mini's bedroom last Friday. As I said in Motor Mouth's bedroom blog, the kiddos play in Motor Mouth's room, so Mini Me's room doesn't really get dirty.

Every now and then, Mini Me will grab a girl toy from her room, and take it in to Motor Mouth's room to play with. Her storage bins stay clean, and neat all the time. Pretty much, all I do is make her bed.

You can just barely see it, but there is a black, wire-framed Eiffle Tower on the shelf, above her wall. We are going to put more large Eiffle Towers up there, as part of her collection.

Below is a photo of Mini Me's bedroom in Tulsa. Her room was 2 shades of pink, but the color doesn't look like that.
We are NOT decorating Mini Me's room like this again, anytime soon. After spending everyday for a month, painting every room (except the kitchen), every ceiling, every crown molding and baseboard taupe, we are DONE painting for a LONG time.
No ribbon either. She's lucky she got shelves...

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