Sunday, May 4, 2008

Move Day!! Saturday, April 19th

Bright and early Saturday morning, Jason arrived at Chantico Lofts in a U-Haul. Soon, he was joined by our pastor - Jackson Crum, Scott and his oldest son, Bill and his amazing wife (who baked muffins and chocolate dipped strawberries for us!), and Andrew. I pulled up at 9 am, after dropping the kids off with John. John and his family watched Jazz and Paris ALL day, during our move.

The garage door was not locked open for us and neither was the elevator set for a move. But, this great team made it work out! It was an overcast morning with temps perfect for moving - not too hot and not too cold.

One-by-one, our move team had to leave to other commitments. Andrew was our lone ranger and then it started spitting a little. Yikes! Fear not, Jonathan came to save the day. And, he brought a pasta dish his amazing wife, Robin, made for us. Right on the Jonathan's heels were Joseph (Jason's boss) and his bride, Kimberly, and the lovely Christa. It was about this time the Heavens cleared and I heard the hallelujah chorus.

Our move was perfect. We couldn't ask for a better team or better weather. Perfect.

Monday April 21, 2008 - 04:58pm

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