Sunday, May 4, 2008

It was only a matter of time!

Okay, you know it was only a matter of time before the kiddos climbed into a box and started playing. 48 hours, exactly!! Motor Mouth and Mini Me spent the day on Saturday with J and L, new friends from our new church. They have 2 little girls. J brought the kids over around 4 pm on Saturday, after what must have been a very full day for them!!

I'd like to say we are almost all moved into our new Chicago digs. However, we are not. I did take my Mom's advice from years ago - set up the beds first! That was the first order of business on Saturday, after all our stuff was moved in. See, Mom, I DO listen to you...

This is silly, I know, but we setup the balcony with our patio furniture and grill. I knew with 70+ boxes, it would take some time before any single room inside was good to go. So I asked J if we could setup the balcony so at least 1 "room" was complete.

The kids rooms are almost done. Just need to unpack a few more toys and their clothes. Kitchen is almost done. Just need to unpack the pantry items. Little situation with the pantry that we need to rectify first before that can become a reality.

Monday April 21, 2008 - 04:45pm

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