Saturday, May 25, 2013

All is well with my BFF

My BFF came to town to visit us briefly! The kids were really bummed that they were not going to see him because he was getting way past bedtime. Motor Mouth asked when Usher would be able to stay a whole day. I wonder that too.

We showed Usher our new place then J, Usher, and I had a drink together, shared a few laughs then he had to leave!!! It was a short but really sweet visit.

I did get to see a few more pics of his girlfriend. She is SO beautiful. I'm so hapeeee for them. I can hardly wait to meet her and give her a hug!!!

It was good to hug Usher. We talk on the phone and text and FB and I know he's happy. But I need to have him in our living room and hug him to make sure he really is okay. ;-)

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