February has flown by! I realize it is short a few days and that in most months today would be the last day. But still.
J's Job
I am a single married person again. J has been working in the evenings after a full day so I am left to my own devices and alone with the kids. The kids are still alive. Part of me hates being here alone. In the fall, it wasn't so bad b/c King was over here so much. Now it is just me and the fishes. Literally. Part of me loves it b/c I have been working guilt-free after the kids go to bed. And reading.
Recruiting Season
I can't give specifics but lets just say that it's shaping up to be another great year!!!
3 Projects
Motor Mouth had a Geometric City project that I think is uber amazing for the teacher to have come up with. They had to create a map of a city using geometric shapes and had numerous criteria including the number of parallel and perpendicular streets. The kids ALL did a great job letting their personalities shine through. The coloring set that Usher gave him for Christmas is really getting use!
Motor Mouth also has a States Project. It's multi-part. They were each assigned a state to research. Massachusetts is what my boy got. He had to draw a map of his state with detailed land masses, rivers, etc. and a legend/key. On the 28th he turned in a travel brochure he created and next week, he has to have his persuasive essay completed.
Mini Me Challenge
This is a blog post on its own. Check back.
Winter Break
The kids were off school for a week. They needed the break! So did I. I worked from home and got a lot of work knocked out. It was great. I invited kids over for play dates so my kids were engaged and happy while I worked.
Swim Season
So swim season is kinda over. Motor Mouth finished at the top in his league in the City Championships. VERY proud of his hard work!!! Swimming is not Mini Me's thing. However, she did a GREAT job today to help her relay team win a gold medal.
Morphing Bug
So I thought what I had was allergies. It went all over the place for weeks! Pretty much the whole month. Then last weekend, I lost my voice. For realz!!! On Monday, I didn't talk at work. I only talked to my boss in our weekly mtg and that was it. I HAD to save my voice for tours on Tuesday and Wednesday.
I seriously suspect that Tulsa got more snow than we did this whole winter. When it snowed a few times this month, it was like people had no clue how to drive. We have had two really mild winters in a row. Maybe people have forgotten the Blizzard of 2010!
So that has been our month. My month. We still have our Christmas Tree up!
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