Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Knowing You, Knowing Me - July '11

knowing me, knowing you - july 2011

It's time once again for that monthly interview project that the Fairy Blogmother originated.

1. It's less than 6 months until Christmas, have you started your shopping yet?Sweetie, I'm trying to get to the point where I start Back to School shopping. Don't even start asking me about the Christmas shopping until December 1.

2. What's your guilty pleasure?
Pedicures and um...waxing...

3. Are you on Pinterest?No. And I have no pinterest in finding out what that is.

4. Popsicle or an ice cream cone?Ice cream. We used to have a popsicle store down the street. The kids loved going there in the summer. Sadly, it is a casualty of the recession.

5. Are your toes painted?Yes. Always. Black polish. I love the massage chair at my nail salon. 

Now, head on over to visit The Fairy Blogmother!

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