Thursday, August 26, 2010

What kind of place is this?

Yesterday evening, Motor Mouth had been uncharacteristically quiet. Then he said, "Mommy, I feel different about Chicago than when we moved here."

"Really, Baby? Why is that?" I was scared. Motor Mouth used to say how much he loved Chicago. But all evening, he was in such a reflective mood. There's no telling what he would say.

"When we moved to Chicago I thought, 'What kind of place is this?' I didn't know what kind of city Chicago was. I wanted to move back to Oklahoma. But then I got to know Chicago, Mom, and I like it here. I like the City a lot."

"You do, Baby?"

"Yeah. Now I think Chicago is the best city. I don't want to move back to Tulsa. I miss Grandpa, but I don't want to live in Tulsa. I'm glad we live in Chicago, Mommy."

It was all I could do not to cry. We made the right decision to move to Chicago.

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