Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Knowing Me, Knowing You - June '10

Time once again for the monthly interview project, knowing me, knowing you. Please play along on your own blog and go to The Fairy Blogmother to let her know you played.

1. Do you often have out of town guests?
Since moving to Chicago 2-3x/mth in the summer and 1x/month in winter. We enjoy entertaining and spending time with our friends but we've created boundaries as it can get really expensive for us to be running around town going to all the museums with out-of-towners twice/month ($2-300 in parking, museum entry, dinners, etc. EACH time.)

2. What kind of an overnight guest set up do you have?
Guests sleep in MotorMouth's bedroom on a full-sized bed with a skyline view of downtown Chicago - the Sears Tower is about 2 miles away. We let them use the kids' bathroom. When I have my act together and remember, I prepare a guest basket with toiletries, mints, chocolates, bottle water, etc. for them. If there are a lot of them, they might also have Mini Me's bedroom (she has a full-sized bed too).

3. Cupcake or cake?
Cupcakes are cute, don't get me wrong, but I really prefer a piece of cake.

4. Iced tea or lemonade?
Lemonade. Pink. Yellow. White. Strawberry. Lemonade.

5. When you get into bed for the night do you go right to sleep or do you read, internet or watch TV before lights out?
I used to lay in bed awake for up to 60-90 minutes but now I'm so tired I am asleep within 5-10 minutes of my head hitting that pillow.

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