Sunday, July 12, 2009

Adventures of the 3 M's - Science & Industry Museum

The continuing Adventures of the 3 M's takes us to the Museum of Science & Industry via 2 city buses. Big deal considering Mommy has never gone to any of the museums without getting directions from Daddy and, well, without Daddy!!

Mini Me looks ready for a NAP!!
Arriving at the Museum
Motor Mouth holding up a transit card he found on the ground
What a cool mail box!
Yeah, you should know Mini Me is not exactly my photogenic child.
Mini Me was climbing those ropes like a monkey!
Mommy thinks Mini Me has sailing in her future
Steering the ship, Part 1
Steering the ship, Part 2
"I'm so lost. I don't know where I'm going."
New display: LEGO!!!
Did you know there are 75 colors of Lego now?
Lego Chicago skyscrapers
Spire (project on hold until 2011), Marina Towers, Hancock Building, Trump Tower, Sears Tower (in the back)
Astronaut Motor Mouth
Astronaut Mini Me
Not at Museum - on the way home
Cool sculpture
Cool leaf sculptures
Walking on a fallen leaf


Shan said...

Looks like it was a great day. The legos are amazing.

jasonwidney said...

"Steering the ship, Part 2" She really is "mini me" yep just like her mother!