Thursday, April 23, 2009

School Update

Do you remember when I sent out 24 school applications for Motor Mouth and 11 preschool applications for Mini Me?
Seems it is easier to get Mini Me into a preschool than it is Motor Mouth into grade 1 (1st grade for my American friends).  Mini Me got into 5 schools!! I choose a Montessori school that is harder to get into statistically than Harvard. 36 slots for about 2,000 applicants. When I found that out, I said, "God, if you want Mini Me here, you will get her in. Otherwise, she doesn't have a chance in Hell, and I'm just going to forget we even applied." She got in. God answers jacked up prayers.

Motor Mouth, on the other hand, not so easy. Oh, he got accepted to some schools alright. Only they were my 20 - 24th choices!! He is on the wait list for Mini Me's school. So, I'm really praying HARD that the school board approves another class for Motor Mouth's age group. If that happens, he's in, baby!!
I can't believe I am one of THOSE moms who are planning out their kids' educational 'careers' from age 2 because if not, 'their lives are ruined'. But I am. And if I don't, they will be. It's a whole new world in Chicago. If your kid doesn't get into a good preschool, it is harder to get into kindergarten and, as I've experienced, 1st grade is next to impossible.
So, if Motor Mouth doesn't get in to Mini Me's school, I'm going to homeschool with the K12 curriculum again. It's a really great program. It would be nice to have Motor Mouth in a brick and mortar school, but if not, I'm good. I'm really good.

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