Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tackle It Tuesday - Bedroom Laundry

I do love our loft ceilings.
Our bedroom suddenly became the laundry catch-all. It was a bit of a catch-all. Period. I honestly would forget to clean our bedroom. I walk out, go hang with the kids in the kitchen or living room, and poof! Forgotten. Until I am stumbling in the dark, trying not to break my neck on laundry that should have been folded or hung a long time ago!
and AFTER...
We could just close our bedroom door when people came. Lock it when a sitter came. Only, last Friday, Motor Mouth broke into our bedroom to get his toothpaste for the new sitter. Everywhere else was clean. It was just our bedroom. 
Arrrgh!!! It was our first time meeting her. Ever.
and AFTER...
Clutter, even in one room, can have a devastating effect on the mind. I felt like I was a horrible mother and a terrible housewife because I could not get a handle on the laundry. I just didn't know where to start. My self-esteem dipped way low.

I felt like a fraud. Here I was with immaculately organized cabinets and drawers, a bookcase that is an organizational haven, and my laundry was overpowering me. My small business is helping others manage their lives but I couldn't even tackle my laundry. For my mental well being, I had to win this battle. 
And I did. 
For this week at any rate...

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Tackle It Tuesday Meme


The Masked Mommy said...

You've done an a~maz~ing job! I know just how you felt! It took me the entire month of January to conquer my laundry... but man does it feel good! For February I'm focusing on closets (now that I have some clean clothes to put away in them ;-)

Jen said...

Tackle it, you did! I just hate doing laundry, but I like folding.

I guess because during the folding part, I get to be in my nice, warm bedroom watching the Food Network while doing this mindless task. The laundry, oTOH, is done in a cold, musty spot, with wet clothes that just makes everything colder.

Sheesh... could I be any more dramatic?

I like your ceilings, too.

Mommy Project said...

Good job, WW. Laundry is my number 1 nemesis. And I am always doing that...leaving it all stacked up on the bed and then forgetting ~all~ about it until I go back in there at bedtime and, then, have to just throw it all on the floor!

Looks great now!

Shan said...

Great job! Want to come and help me with mine now?