Monday, December 22, 2008

Michy Me, please remove Z Girl for this post. 
She might see something she shouldn't.

Now, back to the regularly scheduled blog.

We are traveling today, so I thought it appropriate to blog on a situation we experienced with the vehicle recently...

The other day, I ran some errands for one of my clients, got groceries, and waited with the kids at my husband's office for him to finish work. At 5:30 pm, he informed me he needed to go to the suburbs to Ikea. We have 1 car. Our home is in the opposite direction. J enticed us with the promise of Ikea meatballs. 
Everything was fine. Nice dinner, great visit to Ikea. But then he made some purchases. I think he forgot how much crap we haul around our vehicle at any given moment:
- 2 bottles of washer fluid
- a shopping cart
- Mini Me's stroller
- bottle of coolant
- paper towels
- my briefcase
- his laptop bag
- bag of returns/exchanges
- toys, toys, toys
- other misc random items 

I do believe he also forgot I had purchased 10 bags of groceries. And, I have a massive box in the back for Z Girl's Christmas gift from her parents - it can't be found in Tulsa, but was found in Chicago.  
Michy Me, is Z Girl gone yet, 'cause it's coming up quick?!

Some of the usual stuff floating around our cargo area.
Notice how full it is?
This is how high the floor was stacked by the kids' feet
SOME of what was in the cargo area
More of what was in the cargo area
24 - 30" tall candles!!
Help! I'm squished in!!
Groceries at Mini Me's feet
Z Girl's gift fit perfectly between their seats
That strap is holding our shopping cart on the roof rack
A shopping cart on the roof!!!!!
Welcome to our crazy life.


Michelle said...

OMG!!! LOL You ROCK! And the Z girl will thank you someday! What a great story to tell her! See you soon Santa! ;-)
Michey Mee

Jen said...

This cracked me up, as usual! Our life is crazy the same, but in different ways, even though that makes no sense.

Merry Christmas and happy travels!

Shan said...

Oh that's funny and often the way my Mom's vehicle is packed.

Threeundertwo said...

I think you need more kids. Then it gets even *more* crazy!

Have a very Merry Christmas!