Friday, November 7, 2008

Internet Down

The Internet in our building has been down for almost a full 2 days. I feel so lost!! It is worse than when you forget your watch at home and feel naked.  Our home Internet is a T1 line that is shared amongst the condo tenants - like what happens in an office building. We don't have to pay extra for it and seldom experience outages. 

Ragamuffin Soul went without Internet, phone, TV for 2-3 days last month. I don't know how he did it. I at least had my iPhone. But I couldn't get in to log my son's school hours - a  big deal because the school lost $9,000 in funding in 1 week because parents did not log their child's hours on time. I called my mother-in-law who was wonderful enough to do it for me - Muah! Love you, DonnaMomma!!

Today, I felt like a chicken with its head cut off. Do I stay home in hopes they get it fixed early? Do I clean, or do groceries while I wait? Cre8ve Chaos is coming over for dinner. But I have work to do for MAM. I'm losing money without the net. (FYI...I have a little jobby I'll tell you about some other time). Do I go to Panera where I will freeze and spend money on parking? Or Starbucks where I will people watch and spend money on a pumpkin spiced latte?

Fortunately, I am married to J who is a wise man with good ideas. I dropped him and the kiddos off at Navy Pier so they can hit up the Children's Museum while I work in his office - it is climate controlled and has free, indoor parking, nice restroom facilities and pretty ladies I can talk to if I need a break.

Thank you J. Thank you Park Media department.


FaithChick said...

Great! Now I want a pumpkin spice latte and they took my Starbucks away. I need to go and pout now. =(

jasonwidney said...

They closed the new on in claremore?

Shan said...

I don't know what I'd do without the internet! I'm glad you worked something out. Looking forward to hearing all about this job!

FaithChick said...

They closed it about 6 months ago. I miss it. Now we have nothing.