Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Motor Mouth's 1st Day of Kindergarten

First Day of Kindergarten at Chantico Prep!!
Motor Mouth decided he wanted to give me a teacher name. 
I am Miss Widney. Motor Mouth picked that name all on his own.
I am doing the K12 curriculum. I like it because it has on-line teaching mixed with book work and hands on exercises. As well, we will be going in to the classroom one morning each week. I was concerned about the Chicago Public School requirement for 5 hours/day. Each unit is 45 - 60 minutes. We breezed through 5 units today by 2:30 pm. We can do this.
What I loved most about today's schooling was sitting on my couch with my 2 children, reading them a poem and a story. Then, we did cutting and coloring. It was fun and relaxed. When we did many of the exercises, Motor Mouth was sitting on my lap. 
Whenever possible, Mini Me was included but her nap provided focused teaching time!

Motor Mouth is a great student. He picks up so quickly and retains it. And, we don't waste time going over and over and over the same thing. That's when Motor Mouth gets disinterested and loses focus.
"Great! I'm homescooled, don't wear shoes to school, and my baby sister shows up at my first day in my Mickey Mouse costume!!"

To my surprise this morning, Motor Mouth expected to have Lunchables in his lunch box. In the most enthusiastic voice I could muster, I asked if he remembered how excited he was about getting 'hot lunches' last year. I told him Mommy would be making hot lunches this year. He was thrilled. I said, 'So you'll be getting mac & cheese with green beans today!' His face fell as he said, 'What about pizza?!!' My heart sank. I said, 'no pizza'.
Motor Mouth got pizza for dinner for being such a great student!
And a special treat for surviving his first day at Chantico Prep!
"I LOVE homeschool!"


Jen said...

My son loved his homeschooling years, too. It was a lovely experience. So glad you have such a great student!

Felicity said...

Hurray! This is a time to treasure, Simone! What a gift.

Shan said...

Glad you both had such a great first day!!!