Friday, September 26, 2008

Ikea Shout Out

Vi hade en Ikea dem middag.
We had an Ikea themed dinner.

Ikea Servett
Ikea Napkins
Unge Tallrikarna och Kopp
Kids Plates and Cups

Meatballs Ikea
Ikea Meatballs
Ikea Talrik och Glass
Ikea Plate and Glass

Ikea Meatballs och Grav
Ikea Meatballs and Gravy
J sa den sås smaksinne bättre när JAG gjord den.
J said the sauce tasted better when I made it.

Hmmm. Riktningen sa till använda halva och halva utom JAG använd 2%
Hmmm...Directions said to use half and half but I used 2%

1 comment:

Felicity said...

Our kids use the same Ikea plates and cups! We picked ours up in Chicago a couple of years ago when we were there for a wedding.

I even got to shop an Ikea in Sweden a loooong time ago. All you need to round out that meal is a side of lingonberry jelly! YUM!