Friday, May 16, 2008

Family Friday - Children's Museum @ Navy Pier

Normally, on Fridays we have Family Friday. J hadn't seen the kids in almost a week. And I had. So...when he offered to take the kids to The Children's Museum at Navy Pier, without me, I was ecstatic. Five full hours to just laze around, get caught up on my regular blog reading and my blogging, watch my DVR'd shows, and have ME time. Thanks, Babe!!

On an anchor at the end of Navy Pier.

On the ferris wheel.
Digging up dinosaur bones.

"I LOVE dinosaurs, Daddy!"
Ratatouille!! Motor Mouth spent much time, shopping and cooking, just like daddy!

Mini Me getting in the shopping cart - like in real life!

Water theme park at The Children's Museum. Good thing they provided rain coats, 'cause the kiddos got SOAKED!!

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