Friday, July 5, 2013

Sun Allergy Effects

Our kiddos started summer day camp on Monday. We forgot Motor Mouth's sunscreen! That evening when we picked the kids up, The boy's sun allergy was in full force. He was itchy and in pain. Very uncomfortable.

The next morning, Motor Mouth's hands had swollen to 2x their normal size. He could not type or read. He couldn't button his shirt or brush his own teeth.

We were hesitant to take him to the doctor because they always say the same thing: Take over the counter pain meds and Benedryl. Our son was in so much pain we took him in. On the phone earlier, I actually told the nurse how frustrating a doctor visit is because that practice has done nothing for his sun allergy for five years.

The doctor was ready for us. He had researched the problem and had intelligent questions and viable options for us. Four doctors, two specialists and this was a first.

He asked if any fruit juices with red dyes had spilled on MM's hands. No. He asked if MM had eaten chips or salty foods. In fact, Monday morning I was solo parenting (J was out of town). Instead of defrosting the lunch bread, I burned it! We were going to be late so, for the first time in over 1.5 years, I bought my kids Lunchables. Guess what is high in sodium?! And a contributing factor to the swelling!!!

We did end up using an over the counter drug cocktail to get the H1 and H2 blockers because the combination made sense. I'm scheduling an immunologist appointment. Among other things, Motor Mouth needs to tested to see if he is a vampire. For real. Porphyria (sun allergy not madness) is attributed to vampires.

Motor Mouth was uncomfortable for two more days and his skin started blistering and has a very ugly red rash. But we are happy to report that the swelling has gone down. Motor Mouth is no longer in pain. He has full range if movement back in his arms. He has returned to talking non-stop and fighting with his sister.

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