Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Change. Change. Change.

Our kids are going through such a season of CHANGE!!!

- New job for J which means a new church for us.

- For the first time in their little lives, they are the only Caucasian children at church.

- Motor Mouth is on a new swim team.

- Mini Me starts a running club for first time.

- Mini Me starts a new chess club for the first time.

- Moving at an age when they are more aware of what a move entails.

- We are moving to new home in a new neighborhood.

- We will live on two floors for the first time and our master will be on a different floor.

- Our children will be the only Caucasian children in our new neighborhood.

The kids are troopers. I'm planning lots of play dates and trying to make special moments for them. I am looking ahead as much as possible to reduce their stress. We have to keep in mind the amount of change they are dealing with and love them through it. I love them so much!!!

The good news is that we will still be bad ass parents. Fortunately, some things never change.

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