It's been quite a week or two or three!
This weekend one of J's cousins came to visit. Hair Fairy was delightful. I really, really, really enjoyed having her here. Two days was wayyyy too short. Hair Fairy is about 12 years younger than J so it's not like they really grew up together. This was a great opportunity to get to know each other. We are extremely proud of Hair Fairy. She has strength of character, is hard working, smart, driven, and self-aware enough to know when to end a bad thing. Can't wait for her to return!
J started a new job. He's really excited about it. I am thrilled to see my husband so happy. It's a lot of work as he is tasked with bringing about a lot of change. That man has plans though.
With J returning to church staff, I return to being a single mom on Sunday mornings. I suck at getting me and the kids ready on time to go to church on time. It also means I have to either schlep the kids at 6:30 am on a Sunday morning across town to drop J off at church so I can have the car, or the kids and I have to take a couple buses to get to service. Sigh deeply.
Mini Me has been a CHALLENGE!!! The meth affects from when her birth mother was pregnant with her are front and center lately. Fortunately, she has a great support group of teachers and principal. We hit the jackpot in this school.
Speaking of school...I'm in the middle of recruiting season. I've been working ten hour days, coming home after swim practice, spending time with the family then working another three or four hours after the kids go to bed. Hopefully, we can knock out some interviews, current families will register for next year, and we will have full classes in two months so I can breathe again. But realistically it won't all get finalized and figured out until June then in August we have a mass exodus when everyone has to pay tuition and then it's crazy until school starts. Sadly, from talking my admissions director counterparts at other schools, I know this happens to most schools.
Motor Mouth has been kicking ass at swimming. He has done so well!!!! I should call him Midas because every race turns to gold!!! So proud of him. So proud.
If you made it this far, you deserve to get this gem: I changed my voicemail message to tell callers to just text me!
And I know it says Sunday Updates but it's Monday. Oh well.

With J returning to church staff, I return to being a single mom on Sunday mornings. I suck at getting me and the kids ready on time to go to church on time. It also means I have to either schlep the kids at 6:30 am on a Sunday morning across town to drop J off at church so I can have the car, or the kids and I have to take a couple buses to get to service. Sigh deeply.
Mini Me has been a CHALLENGE!!! The meth affects from when her birth mother was pregnant with her are front and center lately. Fortunately, she has a great support group of teachers and principal. We hit the jackpot in this school.

Motor Mouth has been kicking ass at swimming. He has done so well!!!! I should call him Midas because every race turns to gold!!! So proud of him. So proud.
If you made it this far, you deserve to get this gem: I changed my voicemail message to tell callers to just text me!
And I know it says Sunday Updates but it's Monday. Oh well.