Sunday, September 16, 2012

My Daily Miracle

I have to share this kooky story with my Bloggy friends.

J was laid off last November. Right before that, it seemed like my facial cleanser was almost gone. I'd been using it since September.

After J got laid off, we cut back on EVERYTHING, even more than normal. I had been ready to toss my facial cleanser but after the lay off,  I kept it and figured I would squeeze the life out of it for another month. I did.

Then another month and another month and another month went by and I was still squeezing cleanser out! This little container lasted over a year.

Every day it was a reminder to me that our needs were being taken care of. We still lived in the same home, drove the same car, had food to feed our children and were able to cloth the kids. Trust me, I needed a daily reminder.

There were days that this little bottle of facial cleanser brought me to tears. Tears of fear. Tears of relief. Tears of uncertainty. Tears of hope. Tears of anger. Tears of despair.

I finally had to part with my cleanser. It served me well. Honestly, it was hard to do. It felt like if I threw this away, the house of cards we had been living would come crashing down.

Bet the makers of Clearasil Daily Face Wash never had all this in mind when they started manufacturing their product!

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