Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lofty Goals

This summer, I have very lofty goals. The children are gone for 8 weeks again. I would like to spend that time writing, reading, being more intentional about creative inspiration and enjoying my husband - not necessarily in that order.

I’ve joined a Desi Book Club. I’m part Indian on my father’s side so I qualify. We meet monthly. The books selections are by Desi authors. I’ll be blogging about my first Desi meeting soon.

I want to learn more about the Hindu faith. My dear friend, MAM, is South Asian and has frequent socials that have enabled me to meet many people who are Hindu. And, interestingly enough, I meet many Hindu families who want to send their children to the private Christian school where I am the admissions and marketing director. It makes sense for me to know more about this faith.

And I am just simply interested in Kaballah and Buddhism. My plan is to read a Kaballah book I was given and to attend some of their meetings. I would like to read about Buddhism. If time permits, I'd like to visit a Hindu temple and a mosque this summer.

It is time to add the next installment to the short story I began last summer. I have been mulling over the ending and how I think it should play out. It’s called, “ – wait. I can’t tell you the title. I hope to get it published one day but I will have to do so under a different name because it is scandalous! Hahaha!!!

It is also time to do some editing on an adoption short story that needs to be extended to book format. I’ve been mulling over what changes need to be made and I think I have the writing chops now to do it greater justice.

I also want to blog more.  Blogging brings out my creative juices.

I want to take more photos of the things that inspirte me. I could spend days taking photos of all kinds of stuff at MAM’s home.  She inspires me. I also want to take photos of things in the city that inspire me. I got the idea from a webinar for creatives. I need to keep my creative juices flowing to do marketing effectively in my job.

Love J
I also plan to spend lots of time hanging out with my husband. This solo time is such a gift for us. No plans on turning on the TV this summer!

What are your summer plans/goals?

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