Saturday, April 17, 2010

Knowing Me, Knowing You - April '10

Knowing Me Knowing You was created by The Fairy Blogmother. However, she must be really busy this month doing things other than blogmothering in. So, I'm going to create my own question and answer and see if that helps FBM this month. Here goes...

1. Do your children attend public or private school?
Motor Mouth attends a private faith-based school.
Mini Me attends a public montessori school.

2. Why did you make that choice for your child's education?
Mini Me - She got in!! Chicago Public Schools have a lottery system for acceptance. Her school is statistically tougher to get in to than Harvard. The fact she got in, was my 'sign'.

Motor Mouth didn't win the lottery for the schools I applied to for him (20+ schools). Then I found out about his private school. He got in and we could afford it.

3. Are you happy with your choice? Would you change it if you could?
We love both of our kids' schools, which are very similar in their teaching styles and methods. We 'got lucky' after months of research and time dedicated learning the educational options in Chicago.

Would I change it is tough question. Mini Me is doing great and her school is free. Motor Mouth is doing great but we have to pay for his school. If the kids were on the same vacation and break schedule, it would be a no brainer for them to stay where they are. Right now, it is extremely difficult on us to both be working with no family in town to help with child care.

4. Did your parents send you to a public or private school?
My parents sent me to a Catholic school. Where I grew up, Catholic schools were not private schools. They were basically public schools for Catholics.

5. How do you think your parents' choices for your education have affected your choices for the education of your child(ren)?
I will never send my child to a Catholic school. We are not Catholic. From my personal experience, I found it confusing and frustrating to attend a faith-based school that was not of my faith. I would rather send my kids to a public school. I 'get' why my parents continued to send me there. It is not a bad reflection on my parents' choices for me.

Please be sure to head on over to The Fairy Blogmother. She has some good stuff on her site! And here is the link to her normal Knowing Me Knowing You segment.

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