Sunday, July 13, 2008

For I Know the Plans...

Saturday was a wonderful day.

Motor Mouth asked to play with a blanket in his closet. Each of the baby blankets in Motor Mouth's closet holds special significance. There are the handmade ones from a dear lady in our Tulsa Sunday School Class (R.O.C.).  There's the ones J bought when we were believing for a baby. There's the ones from Grandma Grandma, Faith Chick, and KK. 

But this special blanket was the first baby blanket we received with a promise. Our friend Mystic Muse found the fabric and made this one. The fabric has the word "DREAM". For years we dreamed of having a child together. Then one day, an infertility specialist sitting behind an $11,000 desk told us we would never have children.

Mystic Muse was there throughout it all, really. She was the first person that knew we were going to elope. She was at the office the day we returned to work, from hearing the news from the doctor. Mystic Muse's home was the first home Motor Mouth visited, straight from the hospital. She's been with us through it all.

The blanket reads: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord..." Jeremiah 29:11. It was this scripture and this blanket that we held on to, believing we would one day be parents. 

On Saturday, my son asked to play with this blanket. I took the opportunity to tell him the story of the blanket. Now Motor Mouth knows how special this blanket is to our family. No need to tell him how special Mystic Muse is - he has always known.

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