Sunday, June 8, 2008

Je suis malade

Translation: I am sick.

I don't feel so good today. J had to work all day. He came home at lunch and we all napped. But now he is back at work. Instead of being curled up under my blanket, in bed, I am slumped on the couch, wishing my mother-in-law still lives only 25 minutes away, so she could care for my kids.

Have I ever told you I have the best mother-in-law in the world? I do. I simply do.


Michelle said...

I got your message and I thought you were either sleepy or sick! Oh, don't worry about me, I have become a tough cookie these days!! You'd be proud!! HAHA!! I'll give you a call tomorrow!!


Shan said...

Mother in laws are wonderful. I'm always thankful mine lives nearby.