Sunday, March 27, 2011


Mini Me came home telling me she had homework. I did not help her with it. My four-year old does not need homework.

My kids are in school about seven hours a day. If their teachers can't get it together and teach them what they need in that length of time, they should be fired. Think about it. When you are at work all day long, do you want to bring home an hour or more of work? My kids are...children. They need to be children. The job of a child is to play. Children learn through play.

Here is something else to think about. If your child starts doing an hour or two of homework every night in second grade, where do they go from there? When does it end? When does your child get to love school and love learning?

If in elementary school your child busts their butts with homework, are up until 1:00 am in high school doing homework, with more of the same in college, by the time your kid hits the work world, he/she is burned out! And they missed their childhood.

I love the way the kindergarten teacher at Mini Me's school next year does homework. First, reading 20 minutes/day to your child is the most important "homework".  A homework sheet is sent home about once every 3-4 weeks. On it, there are about 18-20 items, of which the students are asked to do about 15-18 of those in a 3-4 week period. Things like: "Count to 100 by 10's", "Count how many socks are in your sock drawer",  "Draw a picture of the third building past your home".

These are practical activities the children can do on their own without the help of a parent. Activities that take into account what they are learning in class. They do not take an hour. I don't think parents should have to do their kids' homework. We already did this stuff.

Motor Mouth's Birthday

Happy 8th Birthday, Motor Mouth!

I'm a little late on my birthday posting for Motor Mouth. It was a busy, busy week. We let the kids choose where they wanted to go for their birthday dinner. Mini Me chose a Chinese food restaurant chain in a strip mall. We have some of the best Chinese food in China Town and she chooses that. LOL. 

Motor Mouth chose Rainforest Cafe for his birthday dinner. He wanted the volcano dessert. Mini Me was afraid of the alligator, elephants, and monkeys. It was kind of sweet the way she gripped my leg like her life depended on it.

Knowing Me, Knowing You - Mar '11

Time again for the monthly question series, Knowing Me, Knowing You, originated by The Fairy Blogmother. Enjoy and play along on the Blogmother's site.

1. Do you consider yourself a foodie?Nope. I don't know much about food. J is a foodie. He can taste a food and tell you what the ingredients are (spices and all). I can't eat white sauces or cheese. No food worth their weight can possibly shy away from these prime ingredients.

2. Are you a spender or a saver?Both.

3. What was the last movie you saw?I Am Four. Loved it!!!!!!!! J and I finally went on a date for the first time in months and months. It was nice to do dinner and a movie with my husband.

4. What is the closest book to you?My iPhone is closest to me so my current iPhone books are:

- Audiobooks: The Secret Garden
- Audible: Inbound Marketing

Across from me, the physical book on top of the nearest bookcase is:
- Tribes by Seth Godin

5. Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day?Yes! Widney is an Irish name. The children wear green. I found a green sweater to wear. We have a new tradition of going to the Greening of the River on the Chicago River. And of course, we have Shamrock shakes! I do have a box of St. Patty's Day decorations I put around the house. I also try to make the kids green shamrock pancakes on March 17. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mini Me - 5 Years in the Making

J put this video of Mini Me together. 
Truly, it is 5 years in the making.
Be sure your sound is turned up.
The 2nd song is what we sing to her all the time.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

I'm Married to a Criminal

Ever watch Criminal Minds?
J would be referred to as an 'Unsub'
(Unknown Subject/Assailant)

Looks like the Unabomber.
Hold your purses close.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

End of an Era??

Motor Mouth is about to lose his top front tooth. 
This means he might start going through that 'awkward phase'.
You know, the one that typically starts around third grade. 
We all went through it. 
Enjoy this pic.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mini Me is S.I.C.K.!!!

Mini Me woke up Monday morning with a 105.1 degree fever.