The Fairy Blogmother has a monthly installment called 'KNOWING ME, KNOWING YOU'. After reading my answers, be sure to check out hers!
1. Who does the grocery shopping in your family?
Used to be J when we lived in Tulsa. Now, it is me. J used to do the cooking, so it made sense for him to do the grocery shopping. Plus, I couldn't find many of the brands I was familiar with in Canada. It was confusing to me. I'm always a bit lost in a grocery store. I walk the aisles, looking for what I need. Living here, things are different. I go to Pete's for fresh fruit and veggies, Costco for bigger items, and Wal-Mart for dry goods, milk, toiletries, pull-ups. It's worth the drive to Wal-Mart just for the savings on apple juice and pull-ups.
2. Are you watching American Idol? If so, who are you picking to win it?
Watching it intently and I want Adam Lambert to win. I think he is a true musician in the way he is able to rearrange the songs to suit his style each week. His vocal range, strength, and ability to control is voice is top notch. Next would be Danny Gokey.
3. What is your favourite type of fruit?
Strawberries. My dad's pears. MacIntosh apples.
4. Are you a night owl or a morning person?
I don't know. Probably a night owl. When I wake up early in the morning, I get so much accomplished but when I'm up late at night, I do too. I think I'm just not a mid-afternoon person.
5. Speaking of bed -- when you're sleeping do you have your socks on or do you take them off?
Before peri-menopause, I was a socks on kinda girl. Now, I can't wear anything.
Since I had Maya I'm the same way -- can't wear anything.