Sunday, July 18, 2010

Doctor Needed

You have heard of brand loyalty, I'm sure. Well, when it comes to medical professionals, I'm a bit of a brand loyalty snob. I like my doctors and I stick with them.

I had the same doctor growing up for 14 years. In my late teens, I found a doctor that I stuck with for about 11 years until I moved to Tulsa. When I say stuck with, I mean I followed him from group practice to self-practice, location to location to location. It would take me over an hour to get to him. That's loyalty!

I finally found a doctor in Tulsa I liked. Then I had to switch insurance companies and lucked out with a great doc the first time.

Now we are in Chicago and I can't find a doctor I like. The market is saturated with women doctors but I prefer men doctors. One male doctor I found weighed no less than 350 pounds. The other male doctor was so shy and timid (after years in practice), I thought I was going to have to kiss him first.

To be honest, I did find 2 doctors I like in Chicago. But they are at Outpatient clinics and not general practice physicians. How frustrating!!

All I need is a refill on my allergy medicine. That's all.

1 comment:

  1. I have a great male general practitioner but he's in Roscoe Village....want his info?


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