Monday, August 10, 2009

Mini Me - 1st Day of School 2009

Mini Me started K3 today!!
Playing with Motor Mouth before school
Motor Mouth starts in 2 weeks
School uniform is required
It makes things soooo easy!! Love it!
The running shoes are a request from the school as well. You have to know we would never purposefully send our child to school in running shoes - except on PE days.
At the school playground
Tomorrow, it's Kiss & Drop
(Curbside drop off)
But for today, we needed the photo ops.
No tears from Mini Me

Why Not?
First, she is just not that kind of kid. Very independent. Not the type to cling - even from birth. But I told her she was wearing her 'big girl school uniform' and she can't cry in her uniform. It worked for today. We'll see about tomorrow...LOL!

No tears from Mommy or Daddy

Why Not?
This is a cause for celebration! The Bible says we are to "train a child in the way they should go..." This is part of the training, learning and growing process. As parents, we need to be training ourselves out of a job. So proud of Mini Me taking big girl steps.

Interesting Fact:
I started school in Toronto at age 3 as well!

1st Day Report:
According to her teacher, Mini Me did great today!


  1. My kids have all been in daycare/preschool since at least 2 years old. They have always loved it. And I love watching the way they learn new things and become new little people. Schools are a blessing!

  2. Glad she had such a great first day!! Love the CP uniforms. Abby actually picked one out for herself, not that we're a uniform school at all, she just liked them. Love the pictures, she's a doll.

  3. COULD she be any cuter? Oh my goodness...

    I'm glad she did so well. I started ps at 3, too.


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