Sunday, August 16, 2009

Knowing Me, Knowing You - Aug '09

Time once again, for the monthly interview project started by The Fairy Blogmother. Join the fun at her site!

1. Would you rather swim in a pool or a lake?
I can't swim so, let's keep it safe with a pool. But I have been known to waddle in the ocean.

2. Where do you do most of your internetting, from a desktop or a laptop?
iPhone. Then laptop. And we have a desktop that J setup for me 'cause I have a mental block where I like to do certain work on a 'real' computer.

3. What did you do today?
It's Sunday. Slept in to 7:30 am. Milled around with the in-laws, had breakfast, watched the rest of Benjamin Button, played with my 9-mth old nephew, said goodbye to the in-laws, dozed on the couch & with Mini Me in her bed, fixed cereal for lunch, drank a Red Bull to wake up and after blogging, I am going to do some work and get groceries.

4. Have you had enough of this cool rainy summer?
No. The summer in Chicago finally burst into life and now I'm working and the kids are starting school again. I could use another month!!

5. Chocolate pudding or butterscotch?
I truly dislike chocolate pudding. Butterscotch pudding? Pass. I just won't eat.


  1. I think I might have the same mental block because I keep thinking I'd like a laptop, but can't imagine doing "everything" on it. Like I don't think I'd upload my pictures to it. Which is odd because I fully intend to blog on it. Weird, but it's nice to know I'm weird in good company.

  2. You do most of your internetting on your iphone? That's impressive.

    I've made the switch from desktop to doing everything on my laptop. Wasn't easily mentally, but now that all my music and pictures are on here, it feels like home.

  3. I'm a laptop girl. And I love any kind of pudding. I might get around to this meme one of these days - I sure enjoy reading others' responses!


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