Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ask and I'll Answer

 I am going to throw open the door on our lives
...even further.
You ask. I'll answer
What would you like to know about MonyMommy?

Just ask your question(s) in the comments area.

On your marks. Get set. Ask!


  1. Do you think the Widneys will ever move to Canada?

    What do you think Jazz and Paris will be when they grow up?

    What made you fall in love with J (any particular event/moment)?

    What is your worst habit?

    What is your greatest talent?

    (this is fun!)

  2. The love story - that's what I want! Tell us your love story! : )

  3. How/why did you start blogging?

  4. have you ever thought about doing one of those "get paid to blog" things?

  5. Do you think you will ever move back to Tulsa?

  6. I'd love to hear about your adoption journey - why did you decide to adopt and what was the experience like?

  7. How did you come to your decision to homeschool? I still have a few years to go but I'm thinking about it.

  8. Family aside, what do you miss most about Canada?


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.