J's 'big sis', The Road Less Chosen asked to see pictures of our
purchases on our trip to Ikea, Friday
We love you, Road Less Chosen! This one's for you!
3 more decanters for the pantry
I think I need just a couple more...!
The Swedish meatballs at lunch were so yummy,
we purchased some for home. Sauce too!
New kids' plates, bowls, cups
I was only going to get 1 set, but J said we
should get 2 sets for when Big Blue & Bear are over
Tonight proved J correct!! Glad we got 2 sets
See the white dishes on the 2nd shelf from top?
15+ years!! Ikea dish set from my single days
Bought a cord J thought he needed to hang lampshades
FYI...Dust accrues when new Ikea lampshades
sit in the corner of your bedroom for 3 months
And you forget you already have 2 cords...
I'm just sayin'
Curtains for the kitchen windows!!
Think they'll be hung before Thanksgiving?
An Ikea bag - great for lugging groceries
This is to replace my 2 bags J took to work
and are now AWOL
A box to store Motor Mouth's Phonics for homeschool
But I changed my mind - It's a sewing kit now!
2 of the floral boxes (bottom right)
Thanks! My favorites are the decanters and the floral boxes. For me just buying organizational things makes me feel organized, whether I use them or not! :)