There are 120 million people in the United States who are not followers of Jesus
The U.S. is the largest mission field in the
Western hemisphere
The U.S. is the 5th largest mission field in the world
The number of unchurched in America has almost doubled from 1991 to 2004.
Approximately 98 million people are under the age of 25 in the United States, and those between the ages of 18 and 25 are the least likely to attend a church
Only 1 State in the nation saw an increase in the percentage of people attending church
from 2000 - 2004. HAWAII
In 1900, the Census Bureau counted 212,000 churches. In 2000, the number of churches that existed in the United States was 349,500.
The number of churches increased just over 50 percent while the population of the USA has almost quadrupled.
In 1900, there were 28 churches
for every 10,000 Americans
In 1950 there were 17 churches
for every 10,000 Americans
In 2000 there were 12 churches
for every 10,000 Americans
In 2004 there were 11 churches
for every 10,000 Americans
3500 - 4000 churches close each year.
In his book, Comeback Churches, Ed Stetzer estimates that 70% to 80% of all evangelical churches in the US have either stopped growing or are in decline!
Churches under 3 years old are reaching 10 new people for every 100 church members
Churches 3-15 years old are reaching an average of 5 people for every 100 church members.
Churches over 15 years old are reaching an average of 3 for every 100 church members.
New church plants do the best job of reaching and including those who were previously unchurched.
New Churches have a much higher percentage of people who serve than do existing churches
The average new church gains the majority of it's members (60 – 80%) from people who had not previously attended a church.
The average established church gains 80-90 % of it's members from transfer growth from other churches.
The average new church will bring 6-8 times more new people into the life of the Body of Christ than an older congregation of the same size.
99% of church plants survive the 1st year
92% of church plants survive the 2nd year
81% of church plants survive the 3rd year
68% of church plants survive the 4th year
Planting new churches is the most effective evangelistic methodology known under heaven.
wow girl, amazing! Seriously sad! I guess that the New Church Plant stats prove that people continue to seek, we just need to be ready when we come across a seeker.