Saturday, May 3, 2008

T-Town to Chi-Town - Day 4

This morning, we got a second ticket for not having updated our Oklahoma license plate sticker. For the third year in a row, our insurance company did not send us the insurance verification. So, by the time I realized that and got it back, and had a chance to submit it, it was well into the grace period. I told J we needed to go get it done in Tulsa. But nooooooooooooooo, he wanted to wait until we got to Chi-ca-go so we could save the cash and only have to pay for the Illinois plates. I called him and was not happy when I found the ticket on the windshield this morning. I repented for what I said to him…
I went back to the Lincoln Park library this morning, because a lady, from Chicago Public Schools, was there talking about how to get your kids into the school of your choice. I’m so very glad Joe told me to go to that library. Rock on, Joe!! The meeting was very educational. It seems, I need to start working now, to get Paris into a good school for K3!! My God, I feel like a Jewish New York mother who is planning her child’s future out until college. Oh well, it will make for conversation with the other mothers in Chi-town.
On the way back from the library, I had to go see a condo Jason wanted me to check out – also from Craigslist. Well, this experience almost brought me to tears and made me want to drive out of Dodge, only I couldn’t leave town because I didn’t know where the hell I was. Finally, I got there, 25 minutes late. The condo is amazing. It has the same stuff as the other loft condo we saw. Only this one is not a loft and it is up 3 flights of stairs with no elevator. Imagine carrying Jazz and/or Paris up that if they are sleeping!

I was all set to bring Jason over to this place, except I drove around the neighborhood. It is an up-and-coming neighborhood. Which means there is still a lot of undesirables amongst the brand new and newly renovated construction. The homes in the area are great, but the shops have not had a chance to move in and it is still a rough area. I would not feel comfortable walking down the street with Jazz and Paris.

I did some research and errands while J was at work. I made my way around town really well. I was willing to stay in Dodge, at that point. I think I need meds. Something fast acting, like Valium. Prozac will take too long to feel the effects. I want to be able to remove the high highs and the low lows of this roller coaster that is my life. I want to not feel right now. Just to be numb. I think I could be a more supportive wife if I was numb.

We found out that we were approved on the condo!! Yippeeee!! This means life can begin tomorrow when we sign the lease. We can get that little situation with the license plate taken care of. And, we can get drivers licenses, and get Jazz into a school, and get a bank account, and not be homeless anymore. We take possession on April 15th. We will move in to our condo on April 19th. We can hardly wait!!

The inspections came back on our house in Tulsa, and everything is just fine. Whew! We have never had problems with the house, but you just never know. So, it was nice to get the official okie dokie. Our house closes on April 28th. We are not walking away with a bunch of money in our pockets, in order to get out of the house quicker. I am making myself feel better by telling myself that we lived in the house for 7 years and we reaped the tax benefits of home ownership. I’m telling myself that if we had rented for 7 years, we would be walking away with absolutely nothing, except our security deposit. And, I am telling myself that, in this market, at least we will not have to pay the mortgage company money at the closing. And that, is how I sleep at night.

So, at the end of Day 4, we are excited and happy to be able to have an address in Chicago. Tomorrow will be yet another busy day. We are ready for the challenges tomorrow will bring. Maybe. Where is that Valium? Can someone bring me Valium? Where’s my doctor at?

Thursday April 3, 2008 - 11:59pm

1 comment:

  1. HA!!! our security for our current rental is more than what we walked away with the house from!


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