Saturday, May 3, 2008

I AM A City Girl!!

When Jason and I were first married, he took me out to the woods beside the house he grew up in. I was surprised at how hard a time I was having in the woods that day, because my brother and I had run around the woods in our neighborhood. That day, my curly hair kept getting caught on branches, I got eaten alive by insects. After a couple of hours, I sat on a rock and declared: "I am a city girl!"

Today, Jason and I cleaned out the side and back flower beds and did yard work. The whole time, I just hated it.

When we bought our house, I was all excited about planting flowers and having a yard. But the reality of it is that I had NEVER mowed a lawn in my life, and when I did, the neighbor came over and offered to take over for me. I baked him cookies because I thought that was the suburban wifely thing to do. I was never the suburban wife.

I can hardly wait to move to a condo in the city. I am so not suburban. I LOVED living in Toronto. I am so ready to not have a yard to mess with. Give me a concrete walkway and city parks for kids and I am happy!

Thursday March 27, 2008 - 10:22pm

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